
Manuel Manzoni, a visionary entrepreneur with a diverse portfolio spanning industries like Oil and Gas, Power Generation, Additive Manufacturing, and High Luxury Real Estate in Dubai and the Middle East, and Marco Scardeoni, an expert in international taxation consultancy with over 30 years of experience, have joined forces to establish GCC Advisors. This collaboration aims to revolutionize the approach to internationalization for Italian and EU companies seeking to expand into foreign markets. GCC Advisors, an Italian company headquartered in Desenzano del Garda, Milan, and Dubai, specializes in providing comprehensive support to businesses navigating the complexities of global expansion. With a…

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[ad_1] This week marks the 150th anniversary of the most important failed art exhibition in history. It was organized by an artist who was not even included in the runner-up exhibition of artists who were not featured in the event, and was featured. genuine Paris salon. Manet did not have the courage to join them, so he participated in the “Rejection” exhibition. Others understood that real change was possible. Monet, Renoir, Sisley, Degas, Berthe Morisot, Pissarro, Belial, Guillaumin, Lepic, Leubert, and Ruhr participated. Not only did they put their art into the show, they organized it and paid for it.…

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[ad_1] Market Pressure | Seth’s Blog All competitors face pressures that vary by industry, consumer/investor segment, and region. This is true for services, products, ideas, organizations, and jobs whenever there is a choice and a market. Pressure can lead to: cheaper simpler dunbar even shorter term Easier rough more convenient hype However, you can also choose a marketplace that offers benefits such as: durability difficulty elegant design Resilience thoughtfulness Higher performance and efficiency patience The real challenge is to bring the desires of one segment to another. That’s certainly difficult. Choose your customers, choose your future. April 15, 2024 [ad_2]…

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[ad_1] “How do you get the word out?” We’ve heard similar voices from presidential candidates, small business leaders, and nonprofit organizations. It’s easy to believe that the purpose of marketing is to shout about it, promote it, and promote it. It’s tempting to focus on your story, the top of the pyramid, and decide that it’s your job to share that story with everyone downstream, downwind, or nearby. Hire a PR firm, run ads, and post more on social media to build up the hype.After all, it is important. But the world doesn’t work that way. It hasn’t worked that…

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[ad_1] [Relevant aside: If you get this blog by email, apologies for the glitches of the last few days caused by my provider. If you ever see a broken link or something that doesn’t render, you can visit the blog. It always has the latest version, typos fixed. It’s much easier to fix the blog over time than it is to re-send an email due to an error. The irony of ‘live’ in this post is not lost on me. Thanks for your patience.] Charity auctions are a strange hybrid. It takes a lot of concentration and a lot of…

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[ad_1] When someone starts a business, they spend a lot of time planning the business and working to raise money and get the business off the ground. But after that, the purpose of the business and the idea of ​​not running out of money are completely aligned. We run businesses to make money, not to spend money. If all goes well, you won’t need any more funding after the start-up period. Nonprofit organizations, on the other hand, register to do at least the following: two thing. They’re here to solve problems, address trauma, enrich culture, and do the difficult work…

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[ad_1] There are very few sitcoms, thrillers, or plays whose plots could tolerate the addition of a cell phone. Once the characters are able to connect at will and clear up any misunderstandings, much of the tension disappears. If Juliet had a smartphone, she and Romeo would have gotten married and lived in a house in the suburbs. And the ubiquitous in-person meetings have an equally long history. But they still occur with little change, with the powers that be in control, traditionally privileged voices being the loudest, and leaving no room for new information or asynchronous interactions. Political debate…

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[ad_1] All success on the Internet is due to network effects. There’s no other way to reliably and economically get your ideas to a large enough audience to keep them going. This is why Super Bowl ads won’t make much sense in 2024. The idea that spreads wins. I wrote a bestseller about this 20 years ago, and I still take that insight to heart. One of the challenges of fundraising is that it’s hard to share. Maybe your friends aren’t ready to donate or aren’t interested in nonprofits…it simply doesn’t feel as easy or fun as sharing a crappy…

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[ad_1] Over the next few days, we’ll be introducing you to a new project we launched today. A small but mighty team has been working on this for his entire year. I’d like to share some of the highlights and some of the key design choices we made along the way. Each year, U.S. charities raise approximately $1 billion annually. Day From individuals. That money will go a long way toward countless projects that benefit the arts, health care, education, and the community. Our society is not built passively for these organizations to get funding, so they need to actively…

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[ad_1] Parliament passed a bill on Monday aimed at suspending Qatari state news outlet Al Jazeera from operations in Israel.Likud announced on Monday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with coalition party leader Ofir Katz to ensure the passage of the bill and to urge him to take immediate action to shut down Al Jazeera in accordance with the procedures established by law. did.According to the law, if the Prime Minister is satisfied that content broadcast by foreign media “substantially harms” the country’s security, the Minister of Communications must order the government to stop that media from being broadcast…

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